Timothy Heron | Instrument Flying

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Heron, T. (2016). QR codes can enhance learning. SAFE magazine, Summer, 2016.


Friday Focus on IFR

Friday Focus on IFR

4 March 2016 2250 Zulu

Sometimes what you see out the window is what you might experience at 6000′ or higher.

FF1 3.4.16








FF2 3.4.16







FF3 3.4.16FF4 3.4.16
















Friday Focus on IFR

26 February 2016
Friday Focus on IFR

EAA/IMC Club Columbus chapter members benefitted from John Zimmerman’s excellent presentation on iPad and Foreflight technologies Wednesday evening. His insight and perspective on how instrument pilots (and VFR pilots) can use these applications was eye opening. Thx. John!

































Friday Focus on IFR

8 January 2016


Completed my 2nd in a series of sim lessons w/ the G1000. More sim/flights ahead.  Keep practicing!

G1000 panel













Friday Focus on IFR

4 September 2015  (2100Zulu)

Check out the current radar display for central Ohio (Columbus is the red dot), and the current Skew T chart. The math usually wins out. Note the Lifted/K Index (-4/32), indicating the relative instability of the atmosphere (-4) and the high temperature-moisture profile in the air (32). These are two ingredients for T-Storms. Also, and perhaps more importantly, note the CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) index (2640). Indicies exceeding 1000-1500 are positive signs of convective potential. The radar image confirms theses data. You gotta love the physics of how this plays out!

CAPE 9.4.15
















Radar 9.4.15


















Friday Focus on IFR

21 August 2015 0030 Z.

Practicing IFR procedures in VFR conditions helps build proficiency, confidence, and standard operating procedures.











































Friday Focus on IFR

Friday Focus on IFR

31 July 2015 1420 Zulu

On Wednesday, I returned early to Columbus (KOSU) from the Philadelphia area (KOQN). At 6:05 am, I couldn’t help but notice the line of storms on the IL/IN state line. Knowing that IN is 140 miles wide and OH is about 240 miles wide, it was easy to calculate that at an average cold front speed of 20 to 25 knots, I might run into a problem if I delayed my departure to an afternoon time. Further, the dew points from KOQN to KOSU were in the high 60s to 70s. Lots of moisture, combined with lift, and atmospheric instability, can spell convective activity. The 4:25pm radar photo confirms the earlier hypothesis. The other two photos show (a) things were popping en route to my south, and (b) the benefits of ADS-B on-board weather.

early pix
















enroute 1


en route 2

late pix
















































Friday Focus on IFR

24 July 2015 1200 Z

Commit to Practice
“Compared to airline and corporate pilots who fly many more total
hours per year, and ostensibly more IMC hours, by any reasonable standard, the GA pilot’s level of experience is strikingly low. Since we must share a common airspace, comply with a common set of rules, and communicate with similar ATC facilities as our professional colleagues, it seems even more critical for us to practice to stay competent.”

Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remembe(p. 119-120). www.doubleillc.com.







Friday Focus on IFR

Friday Focus on IFR
17 July 2015 1130Z

The AIM . . . provides an annual source for rules, regulations, and guidelines that all instrument pilots and instructors should review regularly. Doing so will keep you abreast of the latest developments, rule interpretations, and technology changes vital for your safety.

Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remembe(p. 115). www.doubleillc.com.








Friday Focus on IFR

Posted on by tim-heron

3 July 2015 1235 Z

iPads and Panel-mounted GPS systems.

Today’s message relates to an insidious trap that can befall IFR pilots who believe (mistakenly) that they are proficient with their iPads and/or panel-mounted navigation systems (e.g., Garmin 430/530, G1000, etc.), but in reality have “forgotten” key procedures or button sequences.

“If . . . you fly with an iPad in your general aviation airplane,
you must be able to quickly and efficiently navigate through the various pages to access needed information. If you cannot navigate through the innumerable icons, menus, or symbols rapidly while on the ground, you most assuredly will not be able to do so while flying in the clouds. Collins, the noted aviator, author, and editor, reminds us: “If you can’t navigate in the navigator,
you can’t navigate with the navigator.””

Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remembe(p. 112). www.doubleillc.com





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